
INTERREG II C Project "Natural Resources": Länderübergreifende Sicherung und Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit natürlicher Ressourcen der Land-, Forst- und Wasserwirtschaft unter Einsatz gemeinsamer Raumplanung mit Schwerpunkten in unterbewaldeten Bereichen des Flach- und Hügellandes in Mittel- und Süd-Ost-Europa

von 1999 bis 2001


Leitung: Prof. Dr. Renate Bürger-Arndt

Bearbeitung/Kontakt: Ralf Eisenbeiß

Förderer: European Union

Mitwirkende Institutionen: Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien
Ministry for Agriculture and Development, Budapest
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece

Projektabhängige Publikationen

EISENBEIß, R.; BÜRGER-ARNDT, R. (eds.) (2002): Planning for Sustainability. Final International Report on Interreg IIC CADSES - project "Natural Ressources". Verlag Dr. Kessel. Remagen-Oberwinter, 91 pp.


The Community Initiative INTERREG II C aims to foster transnational cooperation in the area of spatial planning within a framework of common territorial development priorities. It emphasizes on the development of a strategic vision for spatial planning.

Under the roof of this program, the Federal Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture in Vienna, the Ministry of Agriculture in Budapest, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania/Greece, and the Institute of Forest Policy and Nature Conservation, University of Goettingen joined together for a transnational project. It aims to connect science and political implementation in a most modern way. Behind the title "Natural Resources", one will find a project for the transnational safeguard and improvement of the sustainability of natural resources in the field of agriculture, forestry and water management by using common spatial planning.

The international project is looking for a well-founded response to the actual need for comprehensive and interdisciplinary spatial planning. Recently, the claims being laid on land from different land-users are steadily increasing. In many regions of Central and South-Eastern Europe, governments are concerned with the problem of drinking water, sparsely forested agricultural regions and the restructuring of agriculture. This leads to a rush for afforestations, specifically on formerly cultivated land. Considering the desired effects of afforestation measures, and aiming for optimisation in view of sustainable development, one has to affirm: coordinated, interdisciplinary and ecologically sound spatial planning is absolutely imperative. This in return requires a comprehensive correlation of knowledge, agreement and cooperation in agriculture, forestry and water management, while simultaneously taking into account nature conservation and landscape management.

The initiated multinational cooperation within the project aims for a new approach of integrated and cross-sectionally landscape planning by the means of a reliable basis for spatial planning.

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INTERREG ist eine Gemeinschaftsinitiative für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Regionen der Europäischen Union