
COST Action E33 "Forest Recreation and Nature Tourism (FORREC)": Management Committee & WG 3 "Recreation planning, design and management"

von 2003 bis 2008


Leitung: Prof. Dr. Renate Bürger-Arndt

Bearbeitung/Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Renate Bürger-Arndt

Förderer: European Science Foundation

Projektabhängige Publikationen

Bell, Simon; Simpson, Murray; Tyrväinen, Liisa; Sievänen, Tuija and Pröbstl, Ulrike (eds.): European Forest Recreation and Tourism - A handbook. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. London, New York, 237 pp.


Erholungsplanung; Walderholung


The main objective of the Action is to improve the quality of information available to policy makers and forest managers on the recreation and tourism benefits of forestry and to increase the cost-effectiveness of techniques for delivering recreation and tourism benefits from forestry. The Action aims specifically to improve knowledge of the benefits to urbanized societies, to improve the understanding of the economic and social impacts of forest recreation and nature tourism in Europe, and to assess its potential as a tool for rural development.

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